Friday, 6 September 2013

Not much exercises this week

This week, I had a course which I really wanted to focus on and nightly I return home with more work. I decided to take a few days off from going to gym planning to do some gentle exercises at home after my course but it never happened.

Before I started my course this Tuesday, I was already tired from a lack of sleep. A lots of it lately! I was struggling to beat my PBs in gym over the w'end and didn't feel I did my best. I then knew it was best to take a couple of rest days from gym to let my body recover and focus properly on my course.

Thought I might go back to gym this w'end but things has happened this week so I have to do some work outs at home. My rare condition were playing up a lots this week leaving me to decide to work out at home so I don't waste my energy travelling to gym. I miss gym a lots, seeing there's plenty of choices on what to work out with and more heavier weights than what I have at home!

I do know my limits and would have rest days or work out at home, gently! But it can be hard cos it's a habit for me to go to gym daily and be hardcore beating my PBs. ( Personal Bests ) 

I am hoping to work out daily for the next 2 weeks starting next Monday if I feel good enough so I would feel good with my body for Australia! :) 

Then when 2 weeks of working out daily is up, I would take it easy packing and doing everything else before jetting off! And freezing my gym membership for a month! I am hoping that I would not forget to exercise over there cos I might have too much fun! :)

For Australia, I  am hoping to buy something fitness related so I can bring it with me and exercise over there! Then when I come back, my membership will be still frozen till 1st Nov, I will be happy to go back to gym but missing Australia! Haha. I think I will find gym hardest when I come back and develop a bad case of DOMS once again! Eurgh! Haha.

Google can be a life-saver for all of us who don't or can't go to gym! Cos we can just look up pictures or videos of exercises! No excuses to not to work out! Unless really ill or need a rest day of course! :)

Bye for now, off to feed myself plenty of protein & carbs in preparation 
to kick ass in the gym next week! 

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